My husband is a
runner and works out in one form or another almost every day. After
his workout he often enjoys a fruit smoothie with a scoop of peanut
butter or protein powder or if he is feeling really crazy sometimes
I’m a fan of
adding peanut butter powder to my morning oatmeal along with various
nuts and dried fruit – many of which come in plastic tubs with
screw on lids. Which means we end up with a lot of fairly large
empty, food safe containers.
Sometimes I recycled
them but more often than not I reuse those empty plastic containers
and my house has never been more organized – for free!
Save this list of ideas and hacks to your Pinterest boards for later! Share it with your friends!
25 Ways to Recycle and Reuse Plastic Containers
You can remove the
empty container labels with a little bit of Goo Gone (you can learn more about Goo Gone here,) cover the container
with pretty paper, or leave the original label on the container.
(Disclosure: I am including affiliate links in this post for your
Repurpose an
empty protein powder jug to store shop rags to use for DIY project
clean up in the garage
Repurpose an empty protein powder jar to store DIY laundry detergent – I keep doubling
my homemade laundry soap recipe (¼ cup of graded laundry bar soap, ½
cup of borax, ½ cup of washing soda) until the container is full and
makes around 6 months of laundry detergent for our small family. You
can buy
my favorite laundry bar soap Zote here, you
can get borax here, and get
washing soda here.
I the original amount of bar soap flakes in the recipe in the photo was way too much. 1/4 cup works much better. I use the same amount per load as I do when I use commercial laundry detergent. In fact, saved and reuse the old scoop.
Repurpose an
empty protein powder tub for bulk food storage – Why
is it that the big bags of rice never have zip lock closures?
Repurpose an empty nut and trail mix containers for regular food
storage canisters
I started using Goo Gone to remove container labels after shredding my fingernails all of the time
Repurpose an
empty protein powder bucket-as a small bucket for soaking/cleaning
items, watering outdoor plants, etc
Repurpose an empty protein powder jar to keep powdered
dishwasher detergent airtight and less likely to lose its cleaning
oomph by attracting moisture through its original cardboard box or container.

You can also use this idea to store dishwasher detergent pods or DIY dishwasher detergent
Repurpose an empty nut and trail mix container to organize small items
in a workshop or craft room. I switched from storing screws and
hardware to empty plastic peanut butter containers after knocking off
and breaking too many recycled glass jars that I care to admit.
Repurpose an empty protein powder tub to store open bags of gardening supplies like pearlite, fertilizer, etc.
for your yard and garden<
Repurpose an empty protein powder jars to store store paint brushes and small painting supplies
Repurpose an
empty protein powder containers to organize and store small toys
together like Lego. You can
take this one step further and spray paint the container and lid
yellow and use permanent marker s to make your own custom Lego head
storage containers!
Repurpose an empty protein powder jars to sequester
hot process liquid soap paste – How
much I need to dilute my Castile soap paste depends upon how I will
use it (for example foaming soap pumps need more water added than
regular) so I started sequestering (let the saponification process
finish) as a paste instead of a diluted liquid. I also use empty
protein powder jugs to store full batches of diluted soap because
they are very thick jugs (milk jugs are too thin.)
I learned how to make liquid castile soap from this exact book
Repurpose an
empty protein powder container by cutting the top off it needed and
use as a disposable bucket for DIY projects like grouting
Repurpose an
empty nut and trail mix container as a kitchen compost collection
Repurpose an
empty protein powder container to soak and
pretreat small clothing items in the laundry room (KWIM
Repurpose an
empty protein powder container or bucket to store dog food
I did this the last time I boarded Lacey and they appreciated it very
Repurpose a small
empty protein powder container to store dog/pet treats

I use either an empty glass jar or small plastic jar with a lid (if it is a box of dog biscuits that are bigger than shown) to keep Lacey's dog treats fresh.
Repurpose an empty protein powder jars to store the 8 zillion random cords you end up keeping because they "might be useful someday"
Repurpose an empty protein powder jars to store
plastic bags (bread, grocery, parts bags, etc,) for reuse. In our
case we save and reuse plastic bags for pet waste pickup and as a household garbage bags
Repurpose an
empty protein powder container by cutting off the top, removing the
label and use it as a planter
Repurpose an
empty protein powder container and use it to organize emergency
supplies (first aid kit, jumper cables, tools etc) in the trunk of a
car or camper
Repurpose a small
empty protein powder container as a car trash can
an empty protein powder container to store another brand of protein
powder that comes in a plastic or paper bag
an empty protein powder containers
as gift boxes I made peppermint candy gift boxes by
covering protein powder containers in striped paper and clear gift
basket wrap with ribbon closures when I started to run out of
wrapping paper one Christmas
Repurpose an empty protein powder container to collect spare coins and loose change
Repurpose an empty protein powder container as a DIY yarn bowl for knitting or crocheting
Rather buy than DIY? Check out the following storage container options - and more! - below!
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