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How to Make Vodka Watermelon - Everything You Need to Know Guide!

I wanted to make a vodka watermelon. Some people call it infuse a watermelon. Some people charge a watermelon. Whatever you it call it, it is the same thing. A 21 years and older watermelon filled with booze with a 50-50 chance of either coming out perfect or not infusing at all. I’m not trying to scare you out of a spiked vodka watermelon recipe. I’m letting you know up front, if your vodka watermelon didn’t work, keep reading this post to learn how to fix a drunken watermelon that won't absorb vodka on the first go round. How to Soak a Drunken Watermelon With Vodka   Pin this recipe for your next party!

How to Grill Your Way to a Kitchen Makeover

I can deal with the layout of my kitchen. I'd like more storage - who doesn't? - but the number one must have when I eventually remodel the kitchen is to replace the appliances. Husband and I are not fans of most of the appliances that came new with the house, especially the HE dishwasher.

 on my DIY blog Condo Blues here.

I liked the idea of a high efficiency dishwasher saving water like our HE washing machine (which I love), unfortunately the HE dishwasher didn't like the idea of getting our dishes clean after the first two years of its life. We dealt with it until last month with the dishwasher decided it didn't want to clean anything at all.

And then the kitchen turned into this because I hate hand washing dishes.

Now I am normally a fix it before replacing it kind of gal, but a good sale and a gift card we got for Christmas (thanks Dad) had Husband and I smack dab in the middle of Sears paying for the rest of a Kenmore dishwasher with Turbozone - a super duper cleaning cycle that works on the icky dishes I am allergic to rinsing before loading into the dishwasher (so Husband says) because we hated the old dishwasher so much. Funny, because whenever we get a Sears card as a gift, we (me) end up buying tools with it. Other than my hand me down sewing machine, I haven't given Kenmore appliances a thought until now.

I might be more than a little excited about having a working dishwasher again.

We couldn't be happier with our Kenmore dishwasher and would consider replacing our stove and refrigerator with a Kenmore when the time comes. That's not going to happen anytime soon. Project Lacey is our priority and she gives kisses. New kitchens are nice but they don't give kisses.

Lacey is a cuddler too!

Of course, if I could bump up the kitchen remodel reschedule by grilling and winning my way to a $5,000 kitchen makeover this summer that wouldn't be bad either.

Kenmore Greatest Generations of Grilling Cook-Off Contest

To celebrate Kenmore’s 100th Anniversary, Kenmore and celebrity chef Bobby Dean invites Ohio cooks and grill masters to bring your most unique and awesome grilling recipe ...on a stick! to compete for the blue ribbon prize at the Ohio State Fair on July 27, 2013.

Trust me gang, you want to enter because if you win, you get much more than a blue ribbon. Ribbons are nice but new appliances and  trips are even better!

The Ohio State Fair winner will receive a Kenmore kitchen makeover worth $5,000, a trip package for two to the New York City Wine & Food Festival (valued at $3,400) to cook with celebrity chefs, and have the chance to have your recipe featured in the Kenmore 100th Anniversary cookbook.

You need to enter the Kenmore Greatest Generations of Grilling Cook-Off  contest here (scroll to page 19 in the PDF) by June 20, 2013. In honor of celebrating home-cooks and home-cooking, Kenmore looking for heritage recipes and stories that inspired the recipe your enter. The how or why you came up with your recipe is also part of the contest. A panel of judges will select the finalist based on overall taste, presentation, heritage story, and uniqueness.

Good luck!

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Disclosure: No one paid me or gave me fabulous cash, prizes, or discounted dishwashers to post about this contest. I had to pay for my dishwasher out of my own pocket. Lacey really likes to give kisses and sometimes licks the dishwasher when I am loading and unloading it. I like my dishwasher too, but not enough to kiss it like Lacey does. Follow my blog with Bloglovin
