Baking is my moment of Zen. I really mean moment – it takes
about a moment to dump a bunch of stuff in the bread maker and turn it on.
Well that’s not entirely true. I like to bake cookies and
eating them even more. I just lost some junk from my trunk and while I want to bake,
I don’t want to eat extra sweets.
Fortunately, I now have someone who likes homemade cookies
that I will not be tempted to eat – meet our new dog Lacey!
Hello. My name is Lacey.
Lacey is a fear aggressive Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Dachshund mix. You can read Lacey’s story and the amazing act of love that brought us together
We are working with a behaviorist to help Lacey using positive
reinforcement training. When I catch Lacey doing something right, I praise her
and immediately reward her with a treat.
Lacey like positive reinforcement training very much.
Lacey has issues.
I am going through a lot of treats.
Let’s bake some!
6 Allergy Free Dog Treat Recipes
Our dog professionals recommend we do not feed treats or
food containing corn to a dog with behavioral issues. Do you know how hard it
is to find treats without corn? Corn is in everything! The selections are
even smaller if your dog cannot eat wheat either.
Instead of reading the ingredients on every package of
treats for sale in the store (been there, done that, left the store empty handed)
it is easier to make allergy free dog treats yourself.
Dried Sweet Potato Dog Chew Recipe Rawhide chews are slathered in broth containing wheat or corn or both. The
dehydrated sweet potato treats in the store are allergy free – and expensive. I
make them in the oven – no dehydrator needed!
I make these for all the dogs on my Christmas list. Yes dogs get Christmas gifts. I'm a sap.
Liver Training
Treats I can’t imagine how good liver smells drying in the oven but if your dog flips
for liver, brave the smell for this grain free treat. No dehydrator needed!
I use what I have. I have skull ice cube trays.
4 Dog Treat Recipes
If your dog can tolerant wheat, try baking these sweet
Peanut Butter Dog Bones Did you know peanut butter is the most popular dog treat ingredient? Treat your
pup to a peanut butter with peanut butter treat.
Bacon Breath Don’t let the name fool you. Sure, this treat
has bacon but it also has parsley and peppermint to combat bacon breath too.
If you want more healthy dog treat recipes or would rather buy than DIY dog treats, check out the options below!
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