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How to Make Vodka Watermelon - Everything You Need to Know Guide!

I wanted to make a vodka watermelon. Some people call it infuse a watermelon. Some people charge a watermelon. Whatever you it call it, it is the same thing. A 21 years and older watermelon filled with booze with a 50-50 chance of either coming out perfect or not infusing at all. I’m not trying to scare you out of a spiked vodka watermelon recipe. I’m letting you know up front, if your vodka watermelon didn’t work, keep reading this post to learn how to fix a drunken watermelon that won't absorb vodka on the first go round. How to Soak a Drunken Watermelon With Vodka   Pin this recipe for your next party!

Gluten Free Apple Crisp Recipe

My husband and I had to bring a dish to share at his family reunion. Its apple season and I have been dying to sink my teeth into ooey gooey apple crisp. This potluck is the perfect excuse to make apple crisp.

Gluten Free Apple Crisp Recipe
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I added a personal challenge to make a gluten free apple crisp that wouldn't taste like cardboard plunked on apples.

I succeeded. No one at the party realized my apple crisp was gluten free until I told them. Winner! Winner! Chicken dinner! Uh, I mean gluten free apple crisp.

The in law's bought the farm - literally. They downsized their house to one on a small farm. Here I am doing my best car model impression on Father in Law's new to him retirement sports car.

Gluten Free Apple Crisp Recipe

Gluten Free Apple Crisp Recipe


6 to 12 peeled and sliced apples (depending upon the size of the apple. I always err on the side of more apples than less)

1 cup gluten free granola - I like this Gluten free granola here. Or you can use gluten free oatmeal (get it here) + ½ teaspoon cinnamon + ½ teaspoon nutmeg)

1 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup softened butter

½ teaspoon vanilla

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Make it

  1. Place the apple slices in a baking pan or casserole dish.

  1. Mix the gluten free granola (or oats plus spices), brown sugar, and vanilla together in a mixing bowl.

  1. Mix the softened butter into the dry mixture until crumbly. I don’t know if crumbly is a real baking term or not but I’m too lazy to Google so I’m going for it.

  1. Spoon the oat mixture onto the apple slices.

  1. Bake in the oven at 350 degrees (F) for 30 to 45 minutes until the apples are tender and the topping is light brown.

  1. Slice, eat, and repeat!

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Anonymous said…
This look wonderful. I can't wait to make this! Visiting from the wonderful, Salt Tree. Hope you have a beautiful week.
I love apple crisp. This looks delicious.I have a link party and would love to have you share this and any other posts. It is called Wednesday's Adorned From Above Link Party. The link to the party is
I hope to see you there.
Have a great week.
Debi @ Adorned From Above
Thanks for the reminder that this fabulous comfort food can so easily be made gluten free! Thanks for linking up on Gluten-Free Monday at OneCreativeMommy.com. I'll be featuring this recipe on Monday. Don't forget to stop by and grab a featured button.