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How to Make Vodka Watermelon - Everything You Need to Know Guide!

I wanted to make a vodka watermelon. Some people call it infuse a watermelon. Some people charge a watermelon. Whatever you it call it, it is the same thing. A 21 years and older watermelon filled with booze with a 50-50 chance of either coming out perfect or not infusing at all. I’m not trying to scare you out of a spiked vodka watermelon recipe. I’m letting you know up front, if your vodka watermelon didn’t work, keep reading this post to learn how to fix a drunken watermelon that won't absorb vodka on the first go round. How to Soak a Drunken Watermelon With Vodka   Pin this recipe for your next party!

I Ate My Way around the Columbus Oktoberfest

Husband and I spent last weekend in Germany.

Actually, it was sorta Germany.  Husband and I spent an afternoon at the Columbus Oktoberfest eating lots and lots of fried food.

From Germany.

Well, from local German themed restaurants. That explains the fried curly potato turned nacho thing they called German nachos. 

Hang on to your cholesterol meds we’re going in!

Weinerschnitzle sandwich

With a side of sauerkraut balls


The deep fried Ruben on a stick seems appropriate since the event is at the state fairgrounds. The state fair loves their crazy fried food on a stick.

After the fried food fest, which I knew my stomach would remind me about later, why not kill the diet with a little dessert?

Gorgeous funnel cakes!

Thank you Germany for funnel cakes

Schmidt’s famous creampuffs the size of a softball!

 This is a two person cream puff

 We washed it down with a demi tasse of dark German beer

After drinking one of these (over the course of the entire afternoon) you won’t notice the off key singer in the bands or that the prices are three times higher than Disneyland. Well, not as much.

This means while we had fun, Husband and I thought Columbus Oktoberfest is overpriced and overrated. You to buy individual tickets at $1 each for all food and drink purchases to cleverly disguise that an 8 ticket order of chicken really cost $8.00 a serving or the beers we drank (with the souvenir mug) actually cost $15.00 a mug.

I understand once you go to an amusement park, festival, or fair, everything automatically costs more money because they have you. I get it. I grew up in a tourist area and had summer jobs at more than my fair share of amusement parks. The difference is when I go to anywhere else; they don’t try to fake me out and try to  hide the high cost of the stuff I’m going to buy. If you are going to charge $6.00 a Schnitzel fine. Do not disguise it as six tickets to fake people out. Be honest and charge $6.00.

Husband and I could have had dinner at any of the restaurants in attendance for less money and bought more food (and made TWO VISITS!) than we did at Oktoberfest. We spent over $60 on two beers, a Weinerschnitzle sandwich, an order of sauerkraut balls, the Ruben, and a cream puff. 

Add to that the off pitch singers in the bands of varying quality make us feel Columbus Oktoberfest is more flash than substance.  It was disappointing.

My advice? Have dinner at Schmidt's instead. It’s just as tasty, you’ll hear better music, and it is a much better return on investment.

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Laina27 said…
Thanks for the honesty, Lisa. Being of German descent, I always felt guilty for missing this, but I'll take your advice and go to Schmidt's instead. Thanks for taking one for the team ;)
Julia said…
wow I didn't see one thing on that post that was German. I lived in Canton,Ohio for 6 years and I really craved German food while I was there seeing as I grew up in Germany and have been back for ten years now. One thing you should know is that the only thing that Germans really eat fried is French fries and schnitzel. Fried foods is more of a Netherlands thing and not German so whoever made the sauerkraut balls was off his rocker. Oh and I love the German Nachos that made me snort my soup. I really wish I could let you taste real German food so you could see how rich and flavorful it is.
By the way I love your blog and tomorrow I am making your Crockpot lasagna.
Thank you
Pierogis were everywhere. I didn't think they were German. I thought they are Polish. In Cleveland, many of the Polish community groups make and sell Pierogis as fundraisers. They are the best!