I’m overrun with summer squash. It’s up to me to eat it because Husband doesn’t like it. He doesn’t like zucchini either. However, Husband will eat zucchini bread because he says it doesn’t taste like zucchini.
I threw a brunch and wanted to show off my mad baking skills. I planned on making zucchini bread but instead of getting zucchini in that week’s CSA delivery we got more summer squash. Ugh! I threw caution to the wind and made my orange zucchini bread recipe with summer squash instead.
My guests loved it. Husband loved it because it does not taste like summer squash. Even my two nephews who swear up and down that eating vegetables will kill them ate it and loved it. Of course, I failed to mention to the boys that they were eating and enjoying vegetables. That’s our little secret.
Orange Summer Squash Bread
Makes two loaves of bread
Bread Recipe
4 eggs
1 ½ cups sugar
¾ oil (I went with peanut. You can use your favorite light oil.)
2/3 cup orange juice
2 cups shredded summer squash
3 ¼ cups white flour (I’ve also made this recipe with ½ wheat flour and ½ white flour)
1 ½ teaspoons baking powder
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
2 ½ teaspoons cinnamon
½ teaspoon ground cloves
½ cup chopped nuts (optional)
Glaze Recipe
1 cup powdered sugar
2 – 3 Tablespoons orange juice
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees (F)
2. Butter and flour two loaf pans and set aside.
3. Beat the eggs until thick in a bow.
4. Then gradually mix in the sugar, oil, summer squash, orange juice, and the rest of the bread ingredients.
5. Pour the batter mixture into the two baking pans.
6. Bake the bread at 350 degrees for 45 to 55 minutes or until a knife inserted in the center of the bread comes out clean.
7. Allow the bread to cool slightly and remove the bread from the baking pans.
8. Make the glaze ingredients in a separate bowl and pour the glaze evenly over the warm loaves of bread.
9. When the bread is cool, grab a knife, cut off a slice, and dig in!
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